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REPORT #539 Details.

Project: Tomcat
Category: Bug Report
SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug
State: received
Priority: medium
Severity: serious
Confidence: public
   Release: tomcat 3.2/mod_jk/ajp13
   JVM Release: blackdown jdk 1.2.2
   Operating System: Linux
   OS Release: Redhat 6.2/kernel 2.2.16-3
   Platform: x86

Problem with multiple addCookie calls using ajp13

Muliple addCookie calls will result in only the last addCookie call
being sent to the client.  I switched my config to use ajp12, and
the problem went away.  This was reported as fixed in 3.1, but we
are still seeing it in 3.2 while using the ajp13 connector.
Title: BugRat Report # 539

BugRat Report # 539

Project: Tomcat Release: tomcat 3.2/mod_jk/ajp13
Category: Bug Report SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug State: received
Priority: medium Severity: serious
Confidence: public

Submitter: Ray Pitmon ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Date Submitted: Dec 6 2000, 12:04:31 CST
Responsible: Z_Tomcat Alias ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

Problem with multiple addCookie calls using ajp13
Environment: (jvm, os, osrel, platform)
blackdown jdk 1.2.2, Linux, Redhat 6.2/kernel 2.2.16-3, x86

Additional Environment Description:
Redhat 6.2 Apache 1.3.12 (from RedHat RPM) kernel 2.2.16-3 jdk-1.2.2 downloaded from blackdown

Report Description:
Muliple addCookie calls will result in only the last addCookie call being sent to the client. I switched my config to use ajp12, and the problem went away. This was reported as fixed in 3.1, but we are still seeing it in 3.2 while using the ajp13 connector.


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