Hola a Todos:

Please give a look at the bat file below, this is my setenv.bat prior to
build catalina...i use it to prepare my env to build catalina..

set jaxp_home=c:\jdk\lib
set jsse_home=c:\jdk\lib
set jmx_home=c:\jdk\lib
set regexp_home=e:\tomcat\jakarta-regexp\bin
set jmx_home=c:\jdk
set servletapi_home=e:\tomcat\jakarta-servletapi-4\dist
set jndi_home=c:\jdk

As you can see not every prereqed library is used in the same way,
jmx_home & jndi_home point to the directory where that library are
installed not to where the real jar lives...instead all the other *_home
vars are pointed to dir where the jar lives...a real PITA.. i dont like
this point of view change..

Another comment as you can see i use a perhaps peculiar way to organize
things , but is not that uncommon..at least in linux guys .. is another
PITA the need to specify 5 times the same directory with 5 different

I know this was disscussed some time ago..but it's the first time i try
Catalina build in months..

What about another env var called JAVA_LIB that if present is the only
lib directory used..superceding all that nitty gritty env vars at the
same time.. Just for people as me that use only a lib directory for all
the jars.. 

This will work only if jmx_home and jndi_home are corrected to point to
the dir where the jar is, not to the directory where the lib dir lives

I can do that changes by myself but seeing the actual state of Catalina
.. better to ask prior to change anything , no? the first change will
break all the builds..

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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