I'm wondering if the developers of Tomcat might consider implementing
something in Tomcat so that a user can add a setting to server.xml similar
to how other log files are configured so that you can redirect System.err
and System.out to files.

IMHO, this would be very useful. In fact, I suspect that many developers and
users might prefer that these be redirected to files by default.

I know about the redirecting the shell script output, but I still think it
would be very useful to have it configurable within server.xml. One reason
is that on Windows it is not as easy as doing a "startup.bat > stdout.log."
That doesn't seem to capture the output since a separate window is being
created. So, I'm guessing that you would have to modify the batch file to
get it to work.

I would much prefer modifying server.xml to get this to work.

Note, if you reply, please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I am not
subscribed to this list.

Thanks, Jon

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