nacho       00/12/12 08:59:29

  Added:       catalina/docs JDBCRealm-howto.html
  Removed:     catalina/docs JDBCRealm.howto
  BugReport# 567
  Missing JDBCRealm classes from Tomcat Implementation?
  Submitted by Anonymous
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/catalina/docs/JDBCRealm-howto.html
  Index: JDBCRealm-howto.html
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  <title>Working with JDBCRealm</title><body>
  <h1>Working with JDBCRealm</h1>
  <h2>What is JDBCRealm?</h2>
  <p>Is an implementation of a tomcat 3.X Realm that use a  set of configurable tables 
inside a RDMS to store  user's data, this tables are accessed by means of standard 
JDBC drivers.<br>
  The passwords can be stored  as digested ( using standard Java's MessageDigest ) or 
in plain form.<br>
  All the parameters, drivers, tables, and columns are user configurable. </p>
  <h2>Example Config for JDBCRealm</h2>
  This is an example of how to set up a JDBC Realm. For this example I used the MySQL 
JDBC driver.  
  <h3>1. Create a database. </h3>
  <p>   I made the database named "authority"</p>
  <h3>  2. Create needed tables.       </h3>
  <h4>  1. The user table. </h4>
  <p>This table needs the user's name and a password          field. In the example I 
use "users" for the table name,          "user_name" for the column that holds the 
user's name, and          "user_pass" for the user's password.      </p>
  <h4>2. The role table. </h4>
  <p>This table needs the role's set up that will be         in any deployment 
descriptor that is managed under the container         this Realm is in. In the 
example I use "roles" as the table name         and "role_name" as the role's name. 
NB: This table doesn't get         used at all by tomcat.      </p>
  <h4>3. The role to user table. </h4>
  <p>This table joins a set of roles to a         single user. In the example the 
table name is "user_roles",         the role's name is "role_name" , and the user's 
name is assumed         to have the same column name as in the user's table 
("user_name"         in this example.  </p>
  <p>Here is the SQL I used to create the tables: 
  <table  align="center">
  <pre>create table users
    user_name varchar(15) not null primary key,
    user_pass varchar(15) not null
  create table roles
    role_name varchar(15) not null primary key
  create table user_roles
    user_name varchar(15) not null,
    role_name varchar(15) not null,
    primary key( user_name, role_name )
  Here is sample output from the tables:
  <table align="center" border="0">
  mysql> select * from users;
  | user_name | user_pass |
  | tomcat    | tomcat    |
  | user1     | tomcat    |
  | user2     | tomcat    |
  | user3     | tomcat    |
  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  mysql> select * from roles;
  | role_name  |
  | tomcat     |
  | role1      |
  2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
  mysql> select * from user_roles;
  | role_name  | user_name |
  | tomcat     | user1     |
  | role1      | user2     |
  | tomcat     | tomcat    |
  | role1      | tomcat    |
  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  <h3>3. Configure Tomcat </h3>
  <p>Add the information to the server.xml file. For this example I used    this entry 
inside: </p>
  <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
        driverName="" <br>
        roleNameCol="role_name" /&gt;
  <p>The meaning of the attributes is as follow:</p>
  <table align="center" width="51%">
  <th height="32">
  <td height="32">   driverName</td>
  <td height="32"> The name of the driver needed to connect to the database
  <td height="32">connectionURL</td>
  <td height="32">      The connection URL used to connect to the database
  <td height="32">userTable</td>
  <td>          The user's tables
  <td height="32">userNameCol</td>
  <td>          The column in the user's table that contains the name
  <td height="32">userCredCol</td>
  <td>          The column in the user's table that contains the password
  <td height="33">userRoleTable</td>
  <td height="33">      The user's roles table
  <td height="32">roleNameCol</td>
  <td>          The column in the user's table that contains a role given
                                to a user
  <td height="32">      connectionName</td>
  <td> The name to use when connecting to the database.
  <td height="32">connectionPassword</td>
  <td>The password to use when connecting to the database.
  <td height="32">Digest       </td>
  <td>The algorithm used for digest passwords or &quot;No&quot; for plain passwords, 
the values can be &quot;MD5&quot;, etc... (Optional) </td>
  <h2>Using digested passwords</h2>
  <p>To use digested password you need to store them digested.
  To achieve this, you will  need to use the same digest strategies that JDBCrealm 
uses to store the passwords, inside JDBCRealm there is a static method with signature 
<code>final public static String Digest(String password,String algorithm)</code> this 
method is provided as a tool to be used outside JDBCRealm by an application that want 
to store passwords readable by JDBCRealm.</p>
     - Make sure that the JDBC driver is in the lib directory.
  - If you have problem connecting you can specify connectionName and 
  <div align="center">$Header: 
/home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/catalina/docs/JDBCRealm-howto.html,v 1.1 2000/12/12 
16:59:28 nacho Exp $

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