
had a question about web application "request count" and "error count"
from the tomcat "manager" servlet (which are also available via tomcat

initially, i was thinking that request count translates to total
number of requests.  and success count could be dervied by subtracting
error count from request count.  however, this doesn't always seem to
be the case.  it seems to be dependent on how the web application is
configured via it's web.xml file.

for instance:  if i improperly access my web application by providing
a bad url (eg, both request
count and error count increment by one as expected.

however, if i configure my web app to always prompt for authentication
and access it w/a bad url: after giving the correct username/password,
error count is incremented correctly cause of the bad url, but request
count is NOT.  not sure if this is a tomcat mbean bug or by design..??

does anyone know the exact definition of "request count"?  is it
suppose to be total number of requests?

thanks in advance!

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