peter lin wrote:
> i just did some quick tests with scriptlet and jsp tag pages. Both
> result in "out of memory" error after a couple hundred hits using JMeter
> for benchmarking. Has anyone else seen this?

I saw a few reports like that in tc-user, and I'm investigating.

So I'd like more details. Esp on the concurrency level you're using. I 
just noticed trouble if I was using high concurrency levels with ab 
(like 100), and I found that to be because each HTTP/1.1 processor is 
allocating buffers which are too big (each processor allocates about 1M 
worth of memory). With a lower concurrency level (about 40-50), this 
won't cause memory errors, even with the default VM setting.

Raising the VM memory limit provides a complete workaround for that bug, 
as the processors are only allocating a lot of memory once, they are not 
leaking it after that. I'm committing a change to the constant used 
(128K was really too much).

I don't think that was your problem, though.


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