I am in need of some help with an issue that I've encountered. I have an
application that's currently running on Weblogic 6.1 and I'm trying to
port the application to JBoss w/ Tomcat 4.1.18. The problem is that on
my JSP pages, the word "null" is being displayed on the page. Weblogic
treated these as blank strings (""), but when I am trying to switch to
Jboss the word "null" is being printed. We had the same problem when
upgrading to Weblogic 7 from Weblogic 6.1, but they provided a fix that
when pre-compiling the JSP's, we could set a "NoPrintNulls" flag that
would basically use an empty string in place of the "null" string. Is
there a similar fix in Tomcat? I am sure that other people have had this
issue, but I have not been able to find anything in the other user
forums. I know this "feature" was changed as part of the JSP 1.2
specification, but I'm really hoping there might be a way to revert back
just like weblogic allows you. Thanks

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