> Hello all.  I'm new to the list.  I'm getting a "500" error 
> on any JSP I try
> to run.  If I run the servlet examples though, they seem to 
> work fine.

This is the same issue I have been working on all day. I finally got it to
work about an hour ago. (FYI: I am running fresh install of Apache 1.3.22
and Tomcat 3.3.1 on Windows 2000 Pro. Apache is running as a service and
using mod_jk to support Tomcat.) You are 80% home based on your description.

- Does your jsp work if you throw it into the examples\jsp folder? 
If it runs in one folder but not another, make sure you have your directory
layout formatted according this deployment guide:
- What does the Apache error log say?
- What is your Apache-Tomcat glue (mod_jk, etc)?

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