I am trying to set up tomcat with apache so that I can just type http://www.mysite.net to see my web site, but when I type that I just get the default Apache page that says I set up Apache correctly. The only way I can my web site is if I type http://www.mysite.net/myapp, where myapp is the directory where my web application is installed (web.xml, WEB-INF, etc.). Here are the configurations I have tried in server.xml.

<Host name="www.mysite.net" appBase="webapps" ... >
<Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp" ... />
*** I see my site with http://www.mysite.net/myapp, but not with http://www.mysite.net

<Host name="www.mysite.net" appBase="webapps" ... >
<Context path="" docBase="myapp" ... />
*** Same result as above.
*** Setting path="" is supposed to make this the default Context for the Host.

<Host name="www.mysite.net" appBase="webapps" ... >
   <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" ... />
*** Didn't move any files into ROOT but I get the same result as above.

<Host name="www.mysite.net" appBase="webapps" ... >
   <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" ... />
*** Moved all my files into ROOT I can't see my site at all.

<Host name="www.mysite.net" appBase="webapps/myapp" ... >
   <Context path="" docBase="" ... />
*** Can't see my site at all.

Tomcat automatically creates mod_jk.conf which contains all of the tomcat virtual hosts and information from settings in server.xml. So I would think that the problem is some setting in server.xml. Since I can see my site by appending the directory to the end of the web address, I know that I am close to having is set up right. But I need to set it up so that it is the default (or root) web application and does not require any subdirectory at the end.

What I am trying to do should be the most basic thing that people use tomcat and apache for, but I have searched and searched and searched and searched and can not find any documentation that tells me to do anything other than what I have already tried. I have found a few email messages from people asking the same question but no one can ever answer it. Is this even possible at all? I have wasted 2 whole days on this already. If anyone knows how to do this, please please please post the answer.

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