
Would someone please help me with the following questions/scenarios:

I downloaded Tomcat 4.1.18 and unzipped/installed it on Windows NT.

The installation seems fine....I can see the "Net Start" section.....

I can also go to http://localhost:8080 and see the index page.

I have set up my CATALINA_HOME variable as D:\Tomcat
I also set up my JAVA_HOME variable as C:\jdk2

My question are:

1) I created a small file under %CATALINA_HOME\webapps\Root\test.jsp and try to run it from
the web browser and that is ok. However, if I try to move that file to a different direction...say
%CATALINA_HOME%\training\test.jsp then that doesn't work. I move the whole directory
under %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps and that still doesn't work. Could you tell me
the reason?

2) How do you we tell if Tomcat is running from NT? Does it mean if we can http://localhost:8080 successfully
then Tomcat is running?

3) I tried to stop Tomcat (because I think it's running since I can run the index.jsp file)..by running
%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\shutdown.bat ...but I got a Java exception "Connection refused".....
What is wrong??

Thanks for the patience and the answers.

Chi Long

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