
sorry for asking again a memory problem but I can't find the "one and only"
answer in the archive.

I'm using tomcat 4.0.2 with jdk1.4.0_01 on a redhat linix. In the tomcat
configuration I set the JAVA_OPTS -Xms***m -Xmx***m. In the server.xml I
left only the http connector with only 1 min- and maxProcessor and only 1
acceptCount. When starting tomcat several processes/threads are opened but I
know they use the displayed memory together, so it's OK.

When using -Xms20m -Xmx20m and starting my web application and watching the
memory using "top" the memory used by several threads increases up to 60 MB
before the browser shows an out of memory error. When using -Xms70m -Xmx70m
the browser shows no out of memory but the memory usage increases up to
150MB. The problem: How can I calculate this difference so that I can set
the option to a value that does not outlimit my memory ? On a windows
machine I can set this values to -Xmx400m and the tomcat/java uses only
400MB and then crashes. But the Linux machine (with 512MB memory, no other
programs running, only tomcat) suddenly starts swapping when using the
limits -Xmx300m after a while. The swapping is getting so heavy, that the
computer totally blocks and has to be restarted. So I need the correct
numbers for the JAVA_OPTS that really only 400MB will be used !

Thanks a lot and sorry if I missed the right answer !


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