Title: RE: javax.xml.parsers.* not found


You can put the .jar files anywhere you want in your hard disk as long as you have your classpath pointing to the appropiate directory and/or files.  I have found that even pointing to the directory containing my .jar files sometimes do not work and instead I have to explicitly add the .jar file to the classpath( eg.. c:\classpath;..... doesn't work but c:\classpath\archive.jar will work).  I would try appending the xalan.jar, crimson.jar, etc.. to your classpath.  One other important thing is to make sure you add these paths to the front of your classpath and not the end, you could very well have another (possibly outdated)copy of xalan.jar for instance in another directory that is searched first in your classpath and don't forget to add "." current directory if your working directory contains the .jar files you want to use.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: javax.xml.parsers.* not found


        Perhaps it's a typo but the directory should be:

        c:\jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext (you forgot the last subdirectory)

: Hello,
: I am trying to write a testing xml program. I downloaded jaxp.jar,
: crimson.jar and xalan.jar files from sun and put them in c:\jdk1.3\jre\lib.
: and in classpath. In my testing program, I import javax.xml.parsers.*. When
: I compiled the program, I got error message "Package javax.xml.parsers not
: found in import." Any idea for what am i wrong?
: Thanks,
: Jack Li
Brendan McKenna                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist                 Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd.                         Fax:   +353-61-338065

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