I am running Mac OS X Server 10.3.3. I recently applied an OS patch called Application Server Update an now my Tomcat apps will not run. I am getting 400 and 404 errors telling me that my apps are not deployed. Everything has been working fine for months prior to this update.

I was running Tomcat 4.1.12, a distribution from Server logistics. The OS itself has Tomcat 4.1.29. How can I tell which version I am actually running?

My Apache2 Error log shows:

[Tue Mar 23 21:49:48 2004] [error] Connection "conn" cannot connect
[Tue Mar 23 21:49:48 2004] [error] Cannot open connection "conn"
[Tue Mar 23 21:49:48 2004] [error] Connection "conn" cannot connect
[Tue Mar 23 21:49:48 2004] [error] Cannot open connection "conn"
[Tue Mar 23 21:53:48 2004] [error] Re-Trying to deploy connections

conn is my WarpEngine connection name as defined on port 8008. I can telnet to 8009 and it is available on that port.

It should not be this hard.


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