I've been working with Tomcat for a while and just migrated my webapps to my Debian box. Since I'm, already running Apache I thought it a good idea to use Apache as a proxy for Tomcat, and for simplicity I settled for the solution specified at this address:


However, when trying this solution I get a ClassNotFoundException (from catalina.out):

Catalina.start: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector

Furthermore, when reading up on Tomcat documentation, org.apache.catalina.connector.http does no longer seem to exist in Tomcat 5. I tried googling for the exception and for Tomcat 5 and mod_proxy, but ended up with nothing useful.

So, is the documentation out of synch and I should use JK2, or did I miss something?

If I have to use JK, can you point me to a good reference source, the link in the Tomcat docs seem broken - at least I end up at the Jakarta binary distributions.

fredrik at haard dot se

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