    I'm trying to pre-compile my jsp pages of my web app in order to be free
of statics errors (those erros that can be catched in compilation face). I
have no problem adding a task to ANT for the transalting face, the problem
emerge when i want to compile my   "page_jsp.java". In my web app i have two
folder with a page named "index.jsp" in each one. Both pages are translated
to diferent foldes in the "work" directory with names "index_jsp.java", both
belonging to the same package!!!
    When i want to compile this, the following errors arises:

duplicate class: org.apache.jsp.index_jsp
public class index_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
duplicate class: org.apache.jsp.index_jsp
public class index_jsp extends HttpJspBase {



pd: here is part of my ant script:

<target name="translate-jsp" >
    <delete dir="${work}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${work}"/>
    <jspc srcdir="${context}"  destdir="${work}"  verbose="9"
uriroot="${context}" >
        <classpath refid="tomcat-classpath"/>
        <include name="**/*.jsp" />

<target name="compile-jsp" >
    <javac srcdir="${work}"  source="1.4" debug="${compile.debug}"
        <classpath refid="fwic-classpath" />
        <classpath refid="tomcat-classpath"/>

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