Hi, I have seen this question discussed several times on this mailing list, but 
I have not found anyone with a solution, so I am asking again in the hopes that 
someone can help.
Example of problem:
1) Download/Install/Start tomcat 5.5.9 on port 8080
2) Create a directory c:\test
3) Create a c:\test\HelloWorld.html
4) Deploy web "application"  using 
     (OK - Deployed application at context path /test)
5) Check it worked: http://localhost:8080/test/HelloWorld.html
6) Make a change to HelloWorld.html
7) Reload app http://localhost:8080/manager/reload?path=/test
    ( OK - Reloaded application at context path /test)
8) View http://localhost:8080/test/HelloWorld.html
9) Notice that the old page is displayed, not the new one
Note that performing the same set of operations with tomcat 5.0.x works as 
expected, the modified page is displayed at step 9, not the old one.
Explanation of problem:
The problem appears to be caused by a change in tomcat 5.5 which results in the 
appplication files being copied during "deploy" from (file:/c/test) to the 
tomcat webapps directory. A subsequent reload causes the copied files to be 
reloaded, but does not pick up changes in the original files.
Why is this still a problem?
Knowing what the problem is, one can manually recopy changes to the webapp 
directory, but various tools (such as the ant tasks documented here: ) or the 
maven tomcat plugin () do not work as a result of this problem. 
Does anyone know if there is a way to work around this, or to persaude tomcat 
to revert to the 5.0 behaviour?
Thanks, Tony Johnson

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