Is it possible to set the domain when JSESSIONID cookies are created?

We have a couple of different subdomains (,,, and we'd like the session to persist across all of them.
Right now, it looks like if a request comes in to, the
JSESSIONID cookie will have a domain of (but, we want it
to be

Our current workaround is to expire the JSESSIONID cookie, and create
our own JSESSIONID cookie that contains the session id.  Since cookies
from the request have no domain info available, we can't be sure which
is our cookie and which was tomcat's cookie, so as a result every
response contains two cookies, an expired JSESSIONID cookie, and another
JSESSIONID cookie.  This seems to work, but seems somewhat dubious.

I took a quick look at the code for
org.apache.catalina.connector.Request code (specifically doGetSession
and configureSessionCookie), and it looks like it's not possible through
configuration alone....

I thought maybe I'd be able to write a Valve, so I could access the
internal Response object, which gives you access to the cookies, but it
seems Valves are only good for dealing with requests...

So, I thought maybe a custom Connector that extends the catalina
Connector, and whose createRequest method would return a Request that
sets a configurable domain when it creates the session cookie -- but, I
couldn't figure out a way to get it to load -- it looks like
org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector is specifically mentioned in -- any way to change this without modifying the code?


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