I'm using Tomcat 5.5.9 and IIS 6 on a Windows 2003 machine.
Isapi_redirect.dll (version 1.2.14) seems to work if use a full url such
as this:
All the various jsp examples work.
However, if I don't fully specify a document, such as
http://localhost/jsp-examples, I get a 404 error.  If I use
http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples things work.
I have [uri:/jsp-examples/*] in my workers2.properties, and I thought
that should ensure that pages would be passed to Tomcat for handling.
Unless Tomcat isn't finding (or using) my configuration file...?
Other (probably related) symptoms:
I'm not getting any information into the "isapi_redirect.log" file.  The
folder where it should be exists, and its pointer is in the registry,
but nothing is getting there...  
No shm.file is being created in the work folder.

Also, I'm not seeing any "isapi_redirect.dll" entries in the IIS
logfiles (which should be there if IIS is passing data onwards?).  If
this wasn't a clean installation, I'd think something else was handling
jsp requests.
I've been trying to see if there's a detail I've missed, but sifting
through the different howto's (for older versions) has been challenging.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I installed the connector using the exe installation

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