
I'm using Tomcat-5.0.16 with the default configuration.
I have just added in the "tomcat-users.xml" file, my user with "admin" and "manager" role.
In the Manager application, I see all the webapps : (/), (/admin), (/balancer), (/jsp-examples), (/manager), (/servlets-examples), (/tomcat-docs).
In the Admin application, too.

In the Manager application, I undeploy the (/tomcat-docs) webapp (Click on the "Undeploy" link).
This webapp disappears of the webapps list.
But it doesn't disappear in the Admin application.
The (/tomcat-docs) webapp is always in the list of context in the host node.
And if I click on the Context (/tomcat-docs) link, I have a HTTP 500 error.

It's normal or a bug ?
Someone can explain me ?


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