
I'm having a class not found issue running an application that uses Struts
1.0 in Tomcat 5.0.25. Tomcat fires up and the application deploys properly.
When I hit the index.jsp page I get the following exception:

The problem is that this class doesn't exist in version 1.0. I saw that the
server/webapps/admin application comes bundled with a newer version of
Struts. I removed the application in case there were classpath conflicts,
cleaned up the work/Catalina and conf/Catalina directories, and I am still
getting the same exception. I tried this with fresh installation of Tomcat 5
on both windows xp and Red Hat with no luck. I also checked the both
machines for any other struts jar files that may be causing the problem, but
found none.

Anybody have any ideas as to what the problem may be or how to proceed?


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