I'm writing to this mailing list about an item on the Tomcat FAQ's page
about this mailing list,
http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/tomcatuser.html , which is causing
me problems.  (Why here?  Because the "Contacting Us" page for
jakarta.apache.org says to do so.  See section "The Jakarta Website" on
http://jakarta.apache.org/site/contact.html )

Anyhow, http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/tomcatuser.html includes
the following:

   For those who can't handle that kind of traffic, you can also get it
   in digest form.  If you post to tomcat-user, use good etiquette [link], 
   ask good questions [link]....

The "good questions" link goes directly to an essay that I co-wrote with
Eric S. Raymond, "Asking Questions the Smart Way".  Now, Eric and I are 
delighted that so many projects make use of our essay to help their
users, but unfortunately vast numbers of people get mislead by links
like that into sending their technical problems to _us_.  Yesterday, I 
got three Tomcat configuration questions in my personal mailbox, for
example.  (This problem is not unique to Tomcat's use of our essay:  
I've been chasing down misleading hyperlinks ever since we wrote the

_Please_ change the wording on that Web page to clarify that Tomcat
users should not send their Tomcat questions to Eric and me.  Thank you.

Also, further queries to me will need to be via direct mail, because I
will not be remaining on this mailing list.

Cheers,            There are only 10 types of people in this world -- 
Rick Moen          those who understand binary arithmetic and those who don't.

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