Does anyone know why Apache/TomCat is looking for java/net.class?

I am running Apache 1.3.14 with TomCat 3.2.1 after upgrading from 3.1 on
Windows NT 4.0, SP 4 under JDK1.2.2_005. After upgrading, the following
messages appeared in Apache's error.log:

[Mon Dec 18 13:36:18 2000] [error] [client <my IP address>] File does not

and this message in access.log:

<my IP address> - - [12/Dec/2000:13:30:57 -0500] "GET
/Xerox/HTML/JBAsim/java/net.class HTTP/1.0" 404 308

I have no references to a class named "net" in my source code. Any ideas why
this class is being referenced?

Thanks in advance for your help.

- Steve  

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