Hi everyone:

This is more related to Java than tomcat i guess! But
any input would be greatly appreciated. This is a
question that has been around for a while now...I
tried looking up the forums on Sun's website...but
could not really find a solution to solve my
problem...so here goes...

I have implemented a file download bean which sends
out binary data to the browser. The bean is
instantiated by a JSP page. To make sure browsers
don't cache response I do:

response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
response.setDateHeader("max-age", 0);
response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);

while sending out the file and on every other JSP page
on the site. However, for some reason the JSP page
accessed immediately after downloading a file contains
portions of a binary stream on the top of the page
followed by HTML. I am confident the server is not
resending the data again...(confirmed it with ethereal
and nescape works too)...so I dont know what I am
doing wrong...or what I should do to get it
right...Any suggestions ot opinions on this?

Note that the headers work perfectly fine while
navigating through JSP pages.


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