I am a Tomcat newbie, having been a Perl webguy for the past 5 years.


Because I like to build that which I use from source, I am trying to get
Tomcat running on my Linux laptop using a build.xml file from


I created a /home/tomcatd/tomcat_build directory, put the build.xml file in
there, and then created a build.properties file with


$ pwd


$ ls



$ ant


... blah blah blah - build was successful


$ ls

build.properties              jakarta-servletapi-5

build.xml                       jakarta-tomcat-5

jakarta-commons           jakarta-tomcat-catalina               LICENSE




This is all the instructions for 'Building Tomcat' say to do.  


$ cd jakarta-tomcat-5

$ ls 

BENCHMARKS.txt                    compat             NOTICE

Build                                         CVS
RELEASE-NOTES         tomcat.nsi

BUILDING.txt                             deployer

build.properties.default                KEYS

build.xml                                   LICENSE          resources


$ cd build

$ ls

bin                    common            docs     logs      shared  tests

classes             conf                  lib         server    temp



This is the stuff ( I think ) that comes with the pre-compiled


It would seem there is one more step akin to a 'make install' that I need to
perform, but I can't seem to find it.  


Does anyone know what I would need to do to actually install the stuff in
the build directory into another directory from which it could be used?  


Yes, I know I could just copy the stuff out myself, but I would have a
nagging feeling there might be an 'ant install' step I should have done that
may or may not do more than just copy stuff. 



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