Thanks, but I'm sure that's not the reason.  I can start up Tomcat and
Apache and verify that Apache loads JSPs correctly via Tomcat (through
either AJP12 or AJP13 on 8007 or 8009).  Then, when I restart Apache
chrooted, I can't load the JSPs and mod_jk.log shows these errors.  The
only difference is that Apache is now running chrooted.  Tomcat is still
listening on 8007 and 8009 (and is not logging any connections).

I can't believe chrooting Apache is uncommon, but I can't see any
reference to this problem in the docs.  Can anyone who has a working
chrooted Apache-mod_jk configuration please send any setup tips to the
list, or to me by email?

Thanks much,

On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

> errno 111 = connection refused
> I don't know all reasons for this error message. But one
> reason is, that there is no service listening on the given
> port.
> I guess that the java part of the connector is not running.
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Rohan Oberoi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. März 2002 00:58
> > Betreff: mod_jk fails in chrooted environment
> <snip/>
> > [Mon Mar 04 20:02:44 2002]  [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket,
> > connect() failed errno = 111
> > [Mon Mar 04 20:02:44 2002]  [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In
> > jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1
> <snip/>
> --
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