Hello group - I am trying to configure apache 1_3_14 and tomcat 3.2.1 to use SSL with mod_jk on win NT4.0. I installed the apache webserver that supports modSSL. I first start tomcat and then apache. I get a warning from apache that I am a little concerned about which says  "Loaded DSO modules/mod_jk.dll uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI (please recompile it with -DEAPI)" - I am almost there as far as SSL I believe - when I uncomment out the ssl module in htttp.conf Apache says it needs a certificate for my weapp - I need to read up on this or maybe someone can point out the steps needed - I am only using one machine as localhost for testing. Ohh by the way the name of the zip file I downloaded for the apache webserver is:  Apache_1.3.14-mod_ssl_2.7.2-openssl_0.96-WIN32- How would I recompile mod_jk.dll with -DEAPI ---- what I would really like is if someone has this recompiled module, that would please send it to me. You can email me direct. If monetary funds are required let me know.            
-- Pete --    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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