Here is a problem I've been trying to solve for about a week now...

I was running Apache 2.0.35 with Tomcat 4.0.3.  I decided my problem was
with Apache so I upgraded to 2.0.40 and am still having the same issues.

It appears that if you go to my website and put in the URL:

and apache has been instructed to require SSL on this directory, an
error message will be returned saying you do not have permission to view
the page.  You would need https:// to make it work.

Great...  Now, if you type:

Notice the trailing slash, Apache sends the request to my Tomcat Warp
Connector and completely disregards the require SSL statements.  In
fact, any file or path that it typed in following the Warp Connected
path and SSL required path, Apache forgets all about any SSLRequireSSL

It is also important to note that if I comment out all of the WebApp
lines in my httpd.conf file, Apache works as it is supposed to, just no
jsp stuff.

Has anyone else encountered this?  Any suggestions?  Here are the lines
in my httpd.conf file:

<Directory "/home/sites/home/web/cs">
        Options FollowSymLinks

LoadModule webapp_module modules/
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy cs warpConnection /cs/

NOTE: I also created a <Directory "/"> statement to see what happened
and Apache required SSL for all paths EXCEPT anything that was passed to

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