I have 2 Apache2 webservers each running multiple virtual hosts on different
ports (with a single IP address on each server) integrated with Tomcat using

My Apache virtual hosting is setup as;

<VirtualHost *:8000>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/website1.mycompany.com
    ServerName mywebsite1.mycompany.com
    ErrorLog logs/mywebsite1.mycompany.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/mywebsite1.mycompany.com-access_log common
<VirtualHost *:8001>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/website2.mycompany.com
    ServerName mywebsite2.mycompany.com
    ErrorLog logs/mywebsite2.mycompany.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/mywebsite2.mycompany.com-access_log common

The configuration is working fine. For example, I can connect to
http://server1:8000/MyApp1 <http://server1:8000/MyApp1>  and
http://server2:8001/MyApp2 <http://server2:8001/MyApp2> 

I have configured the uri statements in the workers2.properties files such
that /MyApp1 is only accessible to the website on port 8000 as such;

Now, here is where I run into difficulties.  I am running a Cisco
Localdirector in front of these 2 webservers in order to provide port
mapping, load balancing etc.  For example, the local director receives
traffic on a virtual address (on port 80) and redirects traffic to the
appropriate web site (on a different port).  The problem is that the
Apache/Tomcat integration somehow breaks at this point (although pure http
traffic redirects properly).  I should mention here that if I configure a
webapp on the default virtual host in Apache, the re-direction through the
localdirector works fine.  It only breaks when I use a port based virtual
host in Apache.

If anyone else out there has done something similar, I would really
appreciate some assistance.

David Morrow
Systems Technical Lead, IT Operations
P: (519) 951-6079
F: (519) 451-6615
......poor planning on your part does not make an emergency on my

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