I have installed Tomcat 3.2.1 on an NT machine running IIS 4. I have set up the isapi_redirector and it's got the "green arrow." I have added the directory in jakarta-tomcat/webapps that I want to serve as IIS's default directory, I have selected Execute Access in the jakarta virtual directory in IIS, and I have started Tomcat.  I can watch the contexts get added in the msdos window.  However, when I try to request a servlet, I get "ctx(): 404 R( +/servlet/servletname + null) null" in the msdos window and nothing happens.  When I look in the system32/logfiles/w3svc1, I see "Get jakarta/isapi_redirect 200."  I am told jsp's aren't happening either.  Can someone please give me some ideas about how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance,
Tim Coultas

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