Sorry for the newbie question,but I have a little snag concerning URL
matching  and arguments passing to a sevlet
(I don't even know if what I have to do is possible...)

I have a web server and an applet that should have the following
        * a client sends a http request to my server (let's call it 'camelot')
        with the URL : http://camelot/users/arthur/grail.html,
        where 'arthur' is an user name.
        * on the server is a file
                        (there is many files of that kind in that
        *the requested html output is generated from the .xml file via a

So the question is:
        how can I configure Apache and Tomcat so that every request
        matching the pattern : http://camelot/users/*/*.html is passed
        to my servlet with the file /home/arthur/XML/grail.xml as an input ?

I hope it is not a too dumb question.

BTW: I have Apache-1.3 and tomcat-3.2.3 running on a linux server.

Thanks in advance,


Alexandre Bermand - Research Engineer - Silicomp Research Institute

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