Hi everyone!

apache 2.0.45 tomcat 4.18 mod_jk2

I'm having a problem with Virtual host. I thought I had it working but it
seemed to stop working. Here is what I would like to do. I would like to
have several static sites served from the standard apache/htdocs directory,
and jsp sites served from the tomcat/webapps directory.

Everything works fine until I add my jsp virtual host <see below>. When I do
that, www.nnmall2.com is served when I enter www.menkeworld.com and not
www.menkeworld.com (the first one in the virtual hosts list). I've tried a
bunch of different things with the tomcat server.xml file, but to no avail.
Any ideas? The only examples I have found show all the sites living in the
tomcat/webapps directory or the apache/htdocs directory, but not both.

NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache2/htdocs/menkeworld"
    ServerName www.menkeworld.com
    DirectoryIndex index.htm

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache2/htdocs/angelamenke"
    ServerName www.angelamenke.com
    DirectoryIndex index.htm

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot "c:/tomcat/webapps/nnmall2"
    ServerName www.nnmall2.com
    <Location "/*">
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
    DirectoryIndex main.jsp

Thanks in advance for your help.

-Brian Menke

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