
I'm trying to configure multiple instances of the same tomcat.

I want to have one tomcat and one webapp but multiple server.xml files (distinct datasourve per application).

Is this possible in tomcat 4.1.12.
I've tried setting CATALINA_HOME to the tomcat installation
and setting CATALINA_BASE to be the directory with conf/server.xml in.

It seems to find the webapp (via a sym link) but get the following output in the logs dir

2003-07-10 15:17:27 WebappLoader[]: Deploying class repositories to work directory <my 
2003-07-10 15:17:27 WebappLoader[]: Reloading checks are enabled for this Context
2003-07-10 15:17:27 ContextConfig[]: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only
2003-07-10 15:17:27 StandardManager[]: Seeding random number generator class 
2003-07-10 15:17:27 StandardManager[]: Seeding of random number generator has been 
2003-07-10 15:17:27 StandardWrapper[:default]: Loading container servlet default
2003-07-10 15:17:27 StandardWrapper[:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker
2003-07-10 15:17:33 StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at context path

Thanks for any help,

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