I'm a bit new to Tomcat so please pardon me if this
issue has been addressed before.

I'm trying to configure tomcat and apache so that the
apache server and tomcat process run on two separate 

I've followed (as best as I could) all of the documentation
that comes with Tomcat (and apache) to get this going.
Tomcat is running fine standalone and so is apache. However
I can't get the apache server to forward the requests to 
the machine running tomcat. (Using mod_jk)
[I'm thinking it may be an apache (mis) config but I'm not
sure... I've tried a number of options but with no luck]

I' running apache/1.3.14 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux)
and tomcat 3.2.1

does any one have any ideas, specific docs they can point me
to. Also excerpts of working config files from a similar setup
would also be helpful.


-- richard

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