I found a source code from
tried it with the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28-embed.tar.gz
and the /manager sample (after copying it over to this
embed version directory) that comes with Tomcat does
not work.  

1. It seems it defaults to using JAASRealm.  I have to
comment out the search patterns under
<security-constraint> of the manager webapp to make it
2. The tomcat-users.xml format entries has changed??
>From username to "name" and roles became an attribute
instead of an element?

  <user name="tomcat" password="tomcat"
roles="tomcat,manager" />
  <user name="role1"  password="tomcat" roles="role1" 
  <user name="both"   password="tomcat"
roles="tomcat,role1" />

3.  After I got the /manager working it would not
deploy war files because it is missing the
commons-fileupload-1.0.jar.  Can someone who is a
commiter with Tomcat, please add this jar file with
the  embedded tar ball please.  Furthermore, the
xalan, xerces, and xml-apis jars are not included
either, so should they be added too to same embedded

4.  After adding this commons-fileupload-1.0.jar, I
still could not deploy a cocoon.war, jetspeed.war
files as it complains about a ...
[java] Caused by:
No suitable Log constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@19e8329
for org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
(Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
     [java]     at

It seems like whatever commons-logging jar I included
to the classpath, I get this error.

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