1.  How do I access the context file, the ones
separated from server.xml and put in the
tomcat5/conf/<engine>/localhost/ ?

2. Or if embedded in the war file, how to access it
from the war file's  META-INF/contexfile.xml  ?  I
need access to <Resource> where the datasource and
jndi is normally defined.

3.  Similarly how to access the
myapplications/WEB-INF/web.xml ?  In this web.xml it
references jdbc/Taglib but it is stored usually at
server.xml or the new fragment contextfile.xml.

I am looking at StandardContext,  Context and
NamingResources api and am just not clear how to go
about  setting it up to look for example jdbc/Taglib
defined in the contextfile.xml.  My understanding is
the Digester reads these xml file, but how do I get
hold of the results it parses?   Furthermore, is there
a different Digester instance that reads the
server.xml, web.xml, and the contextfile.xml? 
Any help in how to put these together mixing both
config  xml files and programmatically?

Thanks in advance.

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