> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:55 AM
> Cc: Cox, Charlie
> Subject: Re: Directory recursion with mod_jk2.
> On Tuesday 11 May 2004 08:21 am, Cox, Charlie wrote:
> > Did you set the <welcome-file-list> in web.xml so that it knows to use
> > index.cfm as a welcome page?
> If I set that then it does work but I would rather control it through
> since that will function much closer to our existing Apache + mod_jrun +
> Coldfusion MX non-j2ee install.
> > Also, I think your <Directory> is wrong for Apache. Apache doesn't know
> > about the directories used by tomcat, so it will never match your path.
> > think you want something like this:
> >
> > <Location />
> >     Options All
> >     DirectoryIndex index.cfm
> > </Location>

Ok, now that I reviewed my config, I have DirectoryIndex in the
<VirtualHost>, not in a <Location>. (sorry about that - too many JkUriSets
recently) The problem that you are running into is that Apache does not know
that tomcat is pointing the request to your cfusion directory since tomcat
can point to a context that resides in any directory.

If you set your DirectoryIndex in your <Virtualhost> or Main section if you
have no vhost, then it should work correctly. 

> I have my document root set the same as the Directory. If I disable
> then Apache can browse the files in the
> "/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/webapps/cfusion/" folder.
> DocumentRoot "/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/webapps/cfusion/"
>     <Directory "/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/webapps/cfusion">
>         Options All
>         DirectoryIndex index.cfm
>     </Directory>

I'm not sure at what point JkUriSet trumps <Directory> declarations(does
<Directory> matter if the request goes to tomcat since tomcat can serve the
request from a (possibly) completely different directory?). I do know that 

DocumentRoot /myroot
DirectoryIndex index.html

works with tomcat and the index.html request is what is sent to tomcat, not
the directory (/) request.


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