Hi All,
I have spend contless hours debugging a cookie problem. I have made another post on to the forum, with no success even though some suggestions came up.
The plain and simple problem that I have are the following. With the following code I set a cookie a windows installation:
Cookie n = new Cookie("n", "n");
But with the same configuration on Linux, no cooike is set!!!! What is Linux handling differently that windows??

I am not sure what information I need to provide in order for you guyes to help me.
The configuration is:Tomcat 4.1.18, redhat 7.3 and redhat8.0 jdk1.4.1_02 and 01.
I am trying to set the cookie from a Jetspeed webapplication (not that it should matter).

Any suggestions on how I go about debugging the problem. I have inspected the cookiecache. What more can I do?
The cookie is added to the response, how do I trace it from there? (it newer reaches the browser.)

Please advise.. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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