I am running Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1 on Windows 2000.  I have created a
directory that contains some JPGs.  Some of them have spaces in the name,
some of them do not.  I point my browser at the directory:

and let Tomcat build the directory page.  I see the list of files.
However, if I click on one of the images with a space in the name, it does
not show up.  I see Tomcat successfully replace the space with a %20 in the
URL, but the image does not show up.  If I click on one of the images with
no spaces in the name, it does successfully load.  I know all of the images
are valid graphics and can see them outside of the website.

Is there any settings I am missing?  Has anyone else seen this?  Is this a
2000 thing?


Eric Lubin

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