I'm trying to run/debug Tomcat 3.1/3.2.1 under JBuilder 4.0 (+latest
patches) on NT4/SP6a 

I'm getting large numbers of socket exceptions, repeating indefinitely about
1 every second or so.  In the past the suggested solution from this mailing
list has been to upgrade to the later (1.2.2) JVM's, however I've tried
replacing Borland's 1.3, with sun's 1.2.2_06/1.2.2_07 & 1.3.0_01/1.3.0_02,
without any apparent success.

The machine also grind to a near halt whilst this is happening. though I'm
only guessing this is connected.

Does anybody have any ideas ?  unless I can sort out this problem real soon
I'm going to be forced to drop Tomcat in favour of a proprietary solution.

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