Hi all,

Summary: Using jsvc may result in multiple running instances of the
Tomcat servlet engine on the same machine with the same pid file. Is
this an intended behavior?

Background, Details:

I intend to use Tomcat 5.5 in a commercial environment with multiple
virtual hosts.

It appears that when adding a virtual host, Tomcat needs to be
re-started to recognize a new host entry in server.xml.

Furthermore, something like jsvc (from the Apache Jakarta Commons
Daemon project) must be used to call the servlet destroy() methods in
order to have a controlled shutdown without losing data e.g. user

Tomcat includes shell scripts that execute jsvc. I adapted such a
script and added the parameter --pidfile
as documented in http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/daemon/jsvc.html

jsvc creates a pid file as expected, however it does not delete it
when its process is killed.

jsvc also creates multiple instances even if the pid file exists.

Consequently, multiple instances of Tomcat may exist of which only one
can be deleted via the pid file.

I am trying to understand what I am missing here because I think that
the described scenario is not acceptable in a professional
environment. Or maybe further development is needed.

Many thanks in advance for you comments.


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