We use IIS4 running on NT4.0 for our intranet, and want to add servlet
capability to our setup.  As such, I set up a test machine with tomcat.  I
then reinstalled NT4, the option pack, and service pack 6a so that I would
have a clean machine to demonstrated the process.   I followed the exact
steps I had previously taken and everything looked fine.  The ISAPI filter
arrow is green.  The workers2.properties file is identical to that on the
test machine (same environment), and Tomcat isn't recording an errors in its
log files.  I've checked the registry settings several times, and they match
their counterparts exactly. Yet anytime I try to use the tomcat redirector I
get the Dr. Watson Windows NT error message: 

Exception: access violation (0xc0000005)  Address: 0x100059d0.

The last line of the W3SVC1 log is:, -, 1/22/04, 17:16:13, W3SVC1, NTTOMCATTST,, 3034, 251,
0, 500, 6, GET, /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll, -, 

There wasn't anything of note in the event viewer.

I haven't been able to get any more information out of windows than that.  I
checked all the JK2 documentation I could find.  I've done an internet
search and searched Microsoft's knowledge base, and the only information I
found was on debugging the process with a Visual Basic editor, which I don't
have access to.  If anyone has experienced (and hopefully resolved) similar
problems, or can point in the right direction for further inquiry, I would
greatly appreciate it.


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