I'm running JBoss with embedded Tomcat on NT 4.0.  I'm having a problem
running the sample jsp's provided with Tomcat.  When I try to select one,
the response that comes back indicates an exception(
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ) was thrown.  My
first thought was that the classpath was not correct.  I determined that I
needed to have tools.jar in the class path.  In order to make sure that
happened, I created a batch file with these commands:

set classpath=%classpath%;f:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar;
cd \jboss-tomcat-2.1-beta\jboss-2.1\bin
java -jar run.jar

Yet when I attempt to access a jsp, here's what I get in the jasper.log:

2001-03-23 01:41:01 - JspEngine --> /jsp/num/numguess.jsp
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -         ServletPath: /jsp/num/numguess.jsp
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -            PathInfo: null
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -            RealPath: F:
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -          RequestURI: /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -         QueryString: null
2001-03-23 01:41:01 -      Request Params:
2001-03-23 01:41:01 - Classpath according to the Servlet Engine is: F:

When I try to get to the class from the command prompt after ending JBoss,
java sun.tools.javac.Main
It works, I get the java compiler started with no parms.  It seems like
Tomcat is getting the classpath from somewhere else, but I can't figure out

Any and all help is appreciated

Marc Robertson
DST Systems, Inc.

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