
> Please explain the following code in catalina.bat :
%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dcatalina.base="%CATALINA_BASE%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA
> _HOME%" org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap %2 %3....%9 start
> for example,  -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%"
> My only guess is that "%CATALINA_HOME%" would be "D:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1"
> in my computer, but what is "-Dcatalina.home=" and  other "%CATALINA_xxx%"
> mean? how could I find out?

These parameters here are parameters passed to the JVM and define where your
JDK or JRE is and where the TOMCAT classes are. On Windows the JVM is an
executable called java.exe or javaw.exe. Have a look at for the different
meanings of these parameters.

The variables are all explained at the beginning of the batch file. These
are mainly paths and if you just download the distribution you usually have
nothing to change. But if you have multiple versions of a JDK's on you
machine and you like to use one explicitly it if required that you set the
paths correctly.

For a production installation it is anyway recommendet to install Tomcat as
a service which runs permanently independent of the fact who is logged into
the machine.


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