I was asking myself the same question, after reading the source, I found
that :
- By pushing the new .war file, it doesn't produce a reload of the servlet
- By modifying the files in /WEB-INF/classes, the modified .class files are

I use the following instructions (ant) to publish my war file:

        <!-- Variables d'environnement -->
        <property environment="env"/>
        <property name="user" value="${env.USERNAME}"/>

        <!-- Répertoire de publication du fichier war -->
        <property name="dir.publish"

        <!-- Nom de fichier de l'application web -->
        <property name="file.adfront.war" value="${user}.war"/>

        <!-- Variables déduites (répertoires de compilation/distribution) -->
        <property name="dir.dist" value="${dir.base}/java/dist"/>

  <!-- publish -->
  <target name="publish" depends="dist" description="Publication de
l'archive sur le site">
    <delete dir="${dir.publish}/${user}"/>
<--- here
    <copy file="${dir.dist}/${file.adfront.war}" todir="${dir.publish}"/>
<--- here
    <unzip src="${dir.publish}/${file.adfront.war}"
dest="${dir.publish}/${user}"/>            <--- here

Loïc Lefèvre

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Allan Kamau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : jeudi 9 août 2001 14:03
Objet : Auto reload in Tomcat4x

Hi all,
How does auto reload work in Tomcat4.0?
My question is: how do I update servlets that I have
deployed in webapps folder as part of .war file during
runtime in Tomcat4x. Without having to recreate and
deploy the .war file and restart tomcat?
In Tomcat3.x I configured all the servlets in the
context's web.xml after restarting tomcat, I would
modify an already existing servlet and I would see the
updated version.


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