hi saha,
        do u have both ssl server,client certs stored in the browser?
once u have no client cert, nothing is shown in the personal settings.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anindya Saha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 4:44 PM
Subject: Certificate based client authentication with standalone

I have tried to implement client authentication using certificates on a
standalone tomcat server. I have made all the manadated steps (like changing
the server.xml file and loading the certificates on server and client).
However, what I end up is an empty list of certificates on IE and with an
error message (saying I have no personal certificates) on Netscape. The
various searches on the mailing list and else where r also not helpful.

I am using tomcat release 3.2. To complicate matters I see the following in
the tomcat 3.2 release notes:

DIGEST authentication and HTTPS client authentication (i.e. SSL) are not
supported in this release.

Then what's the point of the change in the server.xml file.

Please let me know your thoughts/solutions.


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