if the j2ee a container (app server)?
As far as tomcat goes there are two chioces you have, mod_jk (older)
which you pick is up to you. the Apache mods are in you apache build and
there is a readme doc in the mod directory on how to setup the mod.
can't help with the "j2ee servers" that are running.

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal Brinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Combining Apache, Tomcat, J2EE

I've manage to install Apache (with PHP), Tomcat 4, and J2EE 1.3 on Solaris
8.  Apache spawns one server, Tomcat spawns another, and J2EE spawns three
servers.  Is there anyway I can combine these five servers on the Apache
server?  This way I can use one single address to process php, jsp, and java


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