At 01:36 PM 22/08/01, you wrote:
>Can you please help me with this problem?

Could you please:
a) Use a relevant subject line
b) Check the archives (installation on Win98 is something that comes up at 
least once a week)
c) Try reading the error. (Hint 8.3 refers to the filename and extension... 
ok.txt is ok, not_ok_at_all.txt and not_ok.either are not...)


>I have a basic question regarding the installation of the Tomcat 3.2.3 in
>Windows'98. I have jdk1.3. I have set the parameters,
>and PATH=c:\guru\java\bin
>Now I am trying to do the following operation and this
>gives me the error. Please enlighten me.
>Unable to set CLASSPATH dynamically.
>Note: To set the CLASSPATH dynamically on Win9x
>     only DOS 8.3 names may be used in TOMCAT_HOME!
>Setting your CLASSPATH statically.
>Starting Tomcat in new window
>Bad command or file name
>>From: "Rob S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: Please help on HPUX
>>Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 07:30:51 -0400
>>docs for apache:
>>docs for tomcat:
>>Let us know what specific problem you're having and we'd be glad to help...
>>- r
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Dave Lopez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:10 AM
>> > Subject: Please help on HPUX
>> >
>> >
>> > Can someone help me install apache and tomcat for HPUX? thanks...
>> >
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                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
                Free advice is 
worth what you paid for it.

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