You have two options:
- Start tomcat from within your application
  (Embedded mode)
- Run your application inside of tomcat
  Then you have to convert your main in a servlet.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Klingel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:32 PM
> Subject: Running a Java Application under Tomcat
> I have a Java application that polls a directory for XML files.  This
> application is run from a "main" method in one of my classes. 
>  I can run it
> from the command line just fine, but I want to deploy it as a web
> application.
> Right now, there are no user interface components, but I will 
> be adding
> those, so it makes sense to deploy it under Tomcat.  I also 
> want to take
> advantage of connection pooling and JNDI already present in Tomcat.
> I don't know how to make Tomcat run my "main" method, whether it is a
> setting in the web.xml file, or what.
> Any help that anyone can offer is deeply appreciated.  I 
> understand that
> this is probably a rookie Tomcat question, but I have been 
> unable to find an
> answer after scouring the internet.

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