> I have installed tomacat to set up Oracle JDBC-ODBC driver,
> data source... but ran into some problmes:
> The database connection with Oracle only works with .java
> files but does not work with jsp files.
> For example: test.java would work but test.jsp would not.
> This is the error message I got when running with test.jsp:
> "OCI.DLL: One of the library files needed to run this
> appliction cannot be found".  Can anyone tell me what might
> be the problem?  I checked the dll dependency for OCI.DLL,
> all dll files are there.

Why use the JDBC-ODBC bridge.  It's not really necessary just use
one of the oracle JDBC drivers and forget the bridge.  Several issues,
including threading, pop up when using the bridge.  You can search the
archives if you need more info.

Michael Wentzel
Software Developer
Software As We Think - http://www.aswethink.com

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