Hi Morten,
I use the JBoss 2.4.4 / Tomcat 4.0.1 since one month and found
that the JBoss 2.4.4 version doesn't EJB 2.0 spec. You have to wait
for a stable release of JBoss 3.0 to enjoy the new features...

For now, you can use only remote and home interfaces and once the
3.0 version is stable use the local and local home interfaces.

Good luck,
Loïc Lefèvre

-----Message d'origine-----
Envoyé : jeudi 14 février 2002 10:21
Objet : Using Local Client API (EJB2.0) references with JBoss/Tomcat
doesn't work

I'm trying to use the Local Client API implemented by EJB2.0 spec. It allows
local references to EJB living in the same container. This is supported both
JBoss and Tomcat. I'm running Jboss2.4.4 with the included Tomcat 4.0.1 on
JDK1.4 RC/Windows2000.

Placing the neccessary references in web.xml doesn't work. The main problem
that I get no link between JNDI-name and the java:comp/env namespace. When
listing the context it shows no entry for ejb/CPLiveAPILocal under

==> web.xml <==
      <description>Local EJB Reference</description>


However references with <ejb-ref> works as expected.

==> web.xml <==

I'd be gratefull for comments from people of have tried this with success
failure) or who could point me in
the right direction!


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